

PATCHES Paediatrics has commenced operation of Perth’s first FASD diagnosis and treatment service. Having provided comprehensive multidisciplinary FASD clinics in Kimberley’s Fitzroy Valley since 2014, PATCHES is now offering this service in Perth and outer metropolitan centers, including within the WA Justice system. The service is open to receiving referrals from the Justice System, Child Protection Services, Schools and Health services. PATCHES specialises in improving access to FASD assessment and treatment among young people in hard to reach places, including remote Aboriginal communities in the Kimberley and Pilbara and the urban model in Perth.  The key to PATCHES is to simplify a complex process of referral and multidisciplinary assessment. The team brings together a group of professionals that may include a paediatrician, psychiatrist, neuropsychologist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist and social worker as a ‘one stop shop’ for multidisciplinary assessment.  This process results in a single, simple to understand and practical diagnostic and treatment report allowing parents and caregivers to better understand their child’s strengths and weaknesses.  The FASD Clinic is coordinated by the Robin Winkler Clinic Director, Associate Professor Carmela Pestell, in collaboration with PATCHES Paediatrics/Telethon Kids Institute Director, Dr James Fitzpatrick – Paediatrician.  In addition to our neuropsychology clinic, we offer regular outpatient specialised multi-disciplinary assessment clinics for children and adolescents at risk for FASD. We work closely with the PATCHES team to provide a multidisciplinary assessment clinic for children aged from birth to 18 years, based on internationally accepted FASD diagnostic guidelines. In order to claim Medicare rebates for the FASD assessment parents will need a referral from their General Practitioner (GP) or medical specialist. The required paperwork to give your GP can be provided to you from the PATCHES team. In addition to the Medicare rebate, there is a gap fee which can be discussed with PATCHES. Referrals from parents, the Department of Child Protection and Family Support, as well as the Health Department are welcome. For more information or to book an appointment please contact either:

Robin Winkler Clinic   (08) 6488 2644                            OR   [email protected]

Patches Paediatrics   (08) 9489 7932   [email protected]

